February 9, 2024 | admin
Charity shines as a guiding light that offers believers an array of opportunities to make a difference in the world. As we have already broken down the main types of charity in Islam and the different categories of Sadaqah (which you can check out on our blog page), this blog post is dedicated to exploring other kinds of charity in Islam.
Continuous charity, or Sadaqah Jaariyah, is not a separate category; rather, it includes any Sadaqah Nafilah spent on a project that would benefit society in the long run, e.g. digging wells or sponsoring a child. The foundation of it is in line with the idea of Waqf, leaving a positive legacy that helps communities in the long run.
Qardh, also known as an Islamic loan, is a type of charity that is often given for welfare purposes. It adheres to two conditions: there must not be any interest charged or any additional benefits for the lender. Secondly, the lender must not show arrogance and remind the debtor of the favour for self-glory purposes.
Giving or receiving interest is explicitly prohibited in Islam. Avoidance is advised unless it's a life-or-death situation. It is required to donate interest that builds up in a bank account to charity to avoid the displeasure of Allah.
Income derived from the sale of prohibited goods or obtaining Halal goods by using prohibited methods is considered Haram income. Therefore, disposal of the items, to the rightful owners, is required. If this isn't possible, dealing with Haram income is similar to dealing with interest money.
Redemption for those whose possessions are mostly derived from Haram earnings involves disposing of the entire Haram income, much like interest money. Making the switch to a Halal source of income is crucial, but can be difficult. This can be done by first identifying the haram earnings, then turning to a halal means of income. With the haram earnings, individuals must then donate an immediate portion to charity and then try to pay off this debt they owe to Allah in as short of a time as possible.
Integrate these different kinds of generosity into your life to embrace the Islamic joy of giving. Every donation, no matter how little, has value in the eyes of Allah, regardless of whether it is more of a structured form of giving or simply an act of generosity.